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Sep 22, 2016

Esha Alwani’s first music video makes waves in Music City USA

Esha Alwani’s first music video makes waves in Music City USA

Esha Alwani seems like a normal 14-year-old teenager, but she’s also an amazing singer-songwriter. Esha’s passion for music brought her to Music City USA. However, it is more like Music City brought Esha to Nashville. 

Esha’s journey from her home island of Aruba to Nashville began less than a year ago when her parents, Kamlesh and Reyana Alwani, decided to help her fulfill a dream of cutting a record.

After contacting an accomplished, Nashville-based music producer, Kim Copeland, plans were quickly set in motion to record her first EP of original music.

Since Esha had been writing original songs since the age of six, she had plenty of material. The result was the June release of her EP, “Beautiful.”

Quickly gathering a strong fan base from her numerous performances and debut of her website,, plans were fast-tracked for her first music video, “I’m told that it’s uncommon to launch a music video so early after a first EP, but my management team decided to speed up the process,” she said. “I was so excited about getting the opportunity to jump right into this part, especially since my family and friends were encouraging me to do it.”

Esha, along with her management team, began immediately developing ideas and selecting the right song for her first video. “We had several brainstorming sessions trying to decide on the right song,” she said. “It was a hard decision, but finally chose my song, “Yesterday.” Once the song was selected, the hard work of creating a treatment and video preproduction began.

Working with her producers from Copeland Tucker Group and media consultants from SpinWeezle Media Group, PushFocus Productions was selected to shoot the music video. Director, Matt Lawrence, created an insightful and powerful cinematic representation of her song, which will be available for soon. Her debut EP ‘Beautiful’ is already available for purchase on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, CD Baby, and can be streamed on Spotify as well.

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