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Red Sail Sports tours  in Aruba

Aug 30, 2018

No More Straws! Red Sail has Joined the Movement and Banned Plastic Straws from its Operations

Around the world we use more than a billion straws daily! Continuing at this rate, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050.

“As a watersports operator we are on and under the water daily with our catamaran and dive fleet, seeing first-hand what damage plastic does to our marine life”, thus Peter de Hoop managing director or Red Sail Aruba. “We have standard operating procedures in place that are mindful of our ocean and marine life. However, banning plastic straws is a step we took that directly impacts guests on board during their experience with us. We find it important to contribute in minimizing ocean pollution, saving our marine life and creating the awareness on board that the elimination of plastic straws is a small adaption in our daily life that will have great impact over time.”

Red Sail Aruba No more Straws

Red Sail Aruba is your vacation expert with over 27 years of experience on the island. Red Sail Aruba owns a catamaran and dive boat fleet, unique water rides, collection of retail boutiques, a Destination Management Department and is in-house tour & activities partner & concierge at several major hotels on island.

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